Weather Forecast Info around Cape Town - this a shortlink to this page.Check the dates on the charts. Refresh using CTRL+F5 to pull the latest one from the server. |
YR Meteo usually very good forecast for Rain over Peninsula.![]() |
Guru-Cape Point WindGuru-Cape Town - usually very good forecast for general weather |
Download the daily PDF forecast for Cape Town - useful for guest houses
Right click here for YR Daily PDF |
YR Long Term |
Travellers Weather SMS - 4-day Forecast & Daily Forecast We offer a 4-day Weather forecast and a Comprehensive Daily Weather forecast |
Simply SMS the following KEYwords to 36010 at R5 (Works for ALL ZA networks. No free sms) |
The request SMS is composed of the Town code PLUS
the letters W4 for a 4-day Forecast or the letter W for Comprehensive Daily forecast. |
Cape Town - CTW4 =4-day forecast and daily Cape Town = CTW | ||
Elands Bay - EBW4 or EBW | Langebaan - LAW4 or LAW | |
Mossel Bay - MBW4 or MBW | George - GEOW4 or GEOW | Jeffreys Bay - JBW4 or JBW |
Port Elizabeth - PEW4 or PEW4 | Port Alfred - PAW4 or PAW4 | East London - ELW4 or ELW4 |
Durban - DBNW4 or DBNW | KZN S.Coast - SCW4 or SCW | KZN N.Coast - NCW4 or NCW |
Joburg - JHBW4 or JHBW | Pretoria - PTAW4 or PTAW | Bloemfontein - BFNW4 or BFNW |
Updated as conditions evolve around 2am 8am 2pm 8pm |
Details of the 4-Day Weather Forecast Explained
The legend for the values is the first line. Each day is on 1x line - they follow each other 1) Min & Max temperature for the day in °C, 2) The maximum Cloud cover (as a percentage of total sky), 3) Total Rain for the day in millimetres (25.4 mm = inch), 4) Windspeed in kph (for knots divide by 1.85 or roughly HALVE it!) 5) Wind direction. SMS example CPT Min Max degC-Cloud-Rain-Wind kph 28Sep 11/26 5% 0mm 5-15 SE 29Sep 13/29 0% 0mm 12-18 SE 30Sep 13/22 95% 0.2mm 6-15 WNW 01Oct 7/16 86% 1mm 13-21 SSW |
Daily Weather Forecast Explained 1) The location and date 2) Minimum and Maximum Temperature for the day - in °C. 3) Then we divide the forecast into Morning = AM and Afternoon = PM 4) Cloud Cover for the area as a percentage of total sky 5) the Total Rain in mm for the period 6) Wind direction from 16 compass points. 7) Windspeed in kph (for knots divide by 1.85 or roughly HALVE it) SMS example CPT 28Sep Min11/Max26 degC AM= Cloud 3% Rain 0mm Wind SSE 5-11kph PM= Cloud 5% Rain 0mm Wind SE 10-15kph |
Click here About Us Email us - info @ windreport .co .za ©2021 or TwentyPlenty1 Wind Report. Weather data copyright - permission required for all usage. Strictly NO unauthorised linking allowed. |
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